1min UM: On land, on water, in sport – Ready, steady - Jubilee diplomas

20. July 2023. 11:30

On land, on water, in sport. Two hundred university athletes came to the University of Miskolc for the European University Badminton and Water Polo Championships. The week-long tournament, which started on 13 July, is a great success. The international sporting event brings together 20 European universities from 11 countries.

Ready, steady. The ’Let Us Teach for Hungary’ programme is targeting disadvantaged children in small villages. The latest workshop featured presentations by Roma professionals from the fields of art, talent management and medicine.

Jubilee diplomas. Fifty, sixty, sixty-five and seventy years of engineering graduates were welcomed by the University of Miskolc. The former students, who graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, were awarded jubilee diplomas in recognition of their professional careers. Many of these highly successful professionals have brought the University of Miskolc a good reputation in the world through their talent and perseverance.