Jubilee visit. A delegation from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Budapest visited the University of Miskolc. They learned about the activities of the Confucius Institute, which has been operating at the university for ten years. A tree was also planted to mark the anniversary. The international position of the university and the possibilities for further cooperation were also discussed.
Sit, sit, at the table. Traditionally, every year foreign students who come to the University of Miskolc present their national dishes. This year, too, the students had the opportunity to taste specialties at the international dinner.
World Music Day. In recent years, the University of Miskolc has taken an active role in the art life of Miskolc. The Bela Bartok Faculty of Music joined the worldwide initiative of the World Music Day. Its ensembles gave a joint concert with the students of the secondary school in the Bartok Hall of the Palace of Music.
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