III. Jótékonysági mikulás futás / III. Charity santa running

2023. december 5., 15:00

Jótékonysági Mikulás-futással gyűjt idén is Mikulás-csomagokat és apró ajándékokat a hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek számára az egyetem sportközössége december 5-én. / The aim of the initiative is to get Santa Claus to as many children as possible this year!


A kezdeményezéssel a Sütni Jó! Alapítványt támogatják.

Az esemény időpontja: 2023. december 5. (kedd), 15:00
Helyszín: E/7-es irodaház parkolója

A táv körülbelül 2000 méter.

Nevezni online űrlapon, itt >> https://forms.gle/fNv11nnEN4z4tNha9; vagy személyesen a versenyt megelőzően a helyszínen.

A részvétel ingyenes!

Bővebb információ a sportiroda@uni-miskolc.hu címen kérhető.




Despite many difficulties in previous years, we have managed to make the Advent season brighter for many children through a community cohesion and sporting event. This year we will organise the traditional Charity Santa Claus Run, where we will collect Santa Claus packages and small gifts for the disadvantaged children. The aim of the initiative is to get Santa Claus to as many children as possible this year!

In recent years, with the Sütni Jó! Foundation, we have been collecting together, so that those children in need, whom for financial reasons do not have the opportunity to participate in kindergarten and school celebrations, can receive a package of sweets.


The aim of the run is to strengthen the university's cohesion and to collect a charity Santa Claus bag, so if you can, come and be part of the university's initiative with a modest package!


Event date: Tuesday 5 December 2023, 15:00


Start from the parking lot of the E/7 office building and end at the same place after running around the University Campus. The distance is approximately 2000 meters. If you prefer not tor un, come along, have a hot cup of tea and bring a package to help everyone get to Santa this year!

You can register using the online form at the link below, or in person at the venue before the run:
