The University of Miskolc has been taking part in the Ceepus scholarship programme since 1994. We have built good relationship with several universities in the Ceepus countries during these years and we are strongly committed to contribute to the values and the common cultural heritage of the Central – Eastern – South Eastern part of Europe. In each academic year there have been 8-10 running networks based on some narrower scientific fields to give the framework in which student and teaching staff exchanges can be implemented. The exchanges in the networks are coordinated by the International Office.
If you are interested either in creating a new network, or join an existing one, or in exchanges, here are the key facts you have to know.
Objectives of the programme
Eligible countries
Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova
Life cycle of the programme
CEEPUS III period: 2011 - 2025
Central management
Central Ceepus Office seated in Vienna, Austria
National Ceepus Offices in the participating countries
Study/teaching grants are covered by the governments of the participating countries and paid to the grantholders by the receiving institutions.
Application procedures
A CEEPUS network means the international partnership of higher education institutions’ smaller units, e.g. faculties or departments. These participating units create a thematic network on a specific or interdisciplinary academic field.
Network applications
Institutions are expected to form new networks or join an already existing network. Min. 3 institutions from min. 3 Ceepus countries form a network, with one of them undertaking the role of the coordinator. The coordinating institution will be responsible for submitting the application, for managing the project throughout the academic year and for submitting the final report. Intensive, all-sided communication between the partners is extremely important.
Application deadline: 15 January each year
Mode of application: electronically only at http://www.ceepus.info
Mobility applications of individual applicants (students / teaching staff)
Applications can be submitted
electronically only at http://www.ceepus.info
1) in the framework of approved networks.
Deadline for the autumn semester : 15 June
for the spring semester: 31 October
2) Freemover applications outside the networks:
Summer Schools / Intensive courses
Study excursions for students
Joint programmes/degrees
Basic requirements of individual applications:
Students: 118.000 HUF/month (29.500 HUF for excursion students)
Teachers: 130.000 HUF/month
The grant is paid at the Hungarian host institution after arrival. The payment method is given by the host institution.
If you are interested in Ceepus mobility, and before applying, please first turn to the institutional Ceepus coordinator (International Office) in your own institution, or to the National Ceepus Office of your country, for detailed information.
For further info you can visit the website of the National Ceepus Office in Hungary: