Board of Trustees ("Kuratórium"), Universitas Miskolcinensis Foundation 


László Fükő General Manager, Robert Bosch Power Tool Kft.


Marie-Theres Thiell Chairman, Board of Directors, Elmű-Émász electrical works
Erika Kovács Chair, Financial Arbitration Board, Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Oszkár Világi Deputy Chief Executive Officer, MOL Group
Pál Veres Mayor, City of Miskolc


The University Senate (“Szenátus”)

I. Members with voting rights

  1. Prof. Zita Horváth, Rector, Chairman of the Senate
  2. Prof. Péter Szűcs, Vice-Rector of General and Scientific Affairs
  3. Dr. Roland Szilágyi, Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs
  4. Prof. Gábor Mucsi, Dean, Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering
  5. Prof. Árpád Palotás, Dean, Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
  6. Dr. Zoltán Siménfalvi, Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
  7. Prof. Csilla Csák, Dean, Faculty of Law
  8. Prof. Mariann Veresné Somosi, Dean, Faculty of Economics
  9. Dr. Mária Illésné Kovács, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  10. Dr. Emőke Kiss-Tóth, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences
  11. Dr. Sándor Papp, Director, Bartók Béla Faculty of Music
  12. Dr. István Szunyog, Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering
  13. Prof. Valéria Mertinger, Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
  14. Prof. Edgar Bertóti, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
  15. Prof. Anita Paulovics, Faculty of Law
  16. Dr. Zoltán Bartha, Faculty of Economics
  17. Dr. Judit Kecskés, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  18. Dr. Andrea Rucska, Faculty of Health Sciences
  19. Dr. Zoltán Széplaki, Bartók Béla Faculty of Music
  20. Zsolt Kalmár, Chief Financial Officer
  21. Viktória Soós Bárdosné, Director of Internal Services
  22. Éva Sándorné Lőrincz, Director, Financial Directorate
  23. Dr. Ljudmilla Bokányi, president, UM branch, Trade Union of Employees in Higher Education
  24. Péter Mészáros, director, Directorate for Technology and Knowledge Transfer
  25. László Erdei, president, UM Doctoral Student Union
  26. Balázs Maksa, President, UM Student Union
  27. Zsófia Kincső Varga, UM Student Union
  28. Róbert Ádám, UM Student Union

II. Invited persons with consultative status

  1. Prof. Nóra Jakab, Representative, Universitas Miskolcinensis Foundation
  2. Géza Egyed, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  3. István Havas, Supervisory Board
  4. Éva Tudisconé Gyöngyösy, Supervisory Board
  5. Dr. Judit Szűcsné Kovács, Secretary of the Senate
  6. Anett Horváth, Head, Rector’s Office
  7. Zoltán Ádám, Director of Education and Quality Assurance
  8. Krisztina Sándor, Director of International Relations


Rector’s Advisory Board (“Rektorátus”)

I. Members

  1. Prof. Zita Horváth, Rector, President of the University Senate
  2. Prof. Péter Szűcs, Vice-Rector of General and Scientific Affairs
  3. Dr. Roland Szilágyi, Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs
  4. Prof. Gábor Mucsi, Dean, Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering
  5. Prof. Árpád Palotás, Dean, Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
  6. Dr. Zoltán Siménfalvi, Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
  7. Prof. Csilla Csák, Dean, Faculty of Law
  8. Prof. Mariann Veresné Somosi, Dean, Faculty of Economics
  9. Dr. Mária Illésné Kovács, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  10. Dr. Emőke Kiss-Tóth, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences
  11. Dr. Sándor Papp, Dean, Bartók Béla Faculty of Music
  12. Zsolt Kalmár, Chief Financial Officer
  13. Dr. Viktória Soós Bárdosné, Director of Internal Services
  14. Péter Mészáros, Director of Technology and Knowledge Transfer
  15. Éva Sándorné Lőrincz, Director, Financial Directorate 

II. Permanently invited to attend:

  1. Prof. Nóra Jakab, Representative, Universitas Miskolcinensis Foundation
  2. Anett Horváth, Head, Rector’s Office
  3. Dr. Ljudmilla Bokányi, President, UM branch, Trade Union of Employees in Higher Education
  4. Krisztina Baranyai, Head, Human Resources and Legal Department
  5. Balázs Maksa, President, UM Student Union
  6. László Erdei, President, UM Doctoral Student Union