Sarkhel Hawre Mohammed


Name: Sarkhel Hawre Mohammed

Age: 31

Nationality: Iraqi

Ambassador of the Faculty of...: Earth and Environmental Sciences and Engineering

Faculty: Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Engineering 

Study programme: Earth Science Engineering 

Level of study: PhD


Please, choose a quote (from a movie, book, etc.) that best describes you.

From the book Learn to Say No, The Art Of Saying NO: How To Stand Your Ground, Reclaim Your Time And Energy, And Refuse To Be Taken For Granted


When did you start your studies and why did you choose the University of Miskolc?

I started my Ph.D. study on September 2022, I have chosen the University of Miskolc because I Have received MSc certificate here and I was familiar with the staff at the university and its environment.


What are the places and activities that an international student should definitely try in Miskolc?

There are a bunches of opportunities to do different activities the most perfect one is the University sports center beside swimming pools, park, theatre, and exercise ground around the city.


What are/were your biggest challenges during your studies and how did you overcome these challenges?

As long as you are entering the university academic and student life you will be familiar enough to overcome the obstacles.


What skills and benefits have you already gained from studying at the University of Miskolc?

Internationalization in terms of communication and relationships is the most vital point besides the study of courses with having opportunities to register for the diverse courses to develop your academic skills.


How do you think your Miskolc University degree will help you in your life and career?

Definitely, it works for me after graduation I have received different opportunities to work with different companies during my academic life at the university as an employee.


What is the most important thing or advice you would recommend to active/future students of the University of Miskolc?

I do recommend the University of Miskolc to international students to enter one of the most beautiful university campuses around Europe.


If you could choose a superpower, what would it be and how would you use it to help active/future students of the University of Miskolc?

I could warmly welcome all to get and gain knowledge in their academic interest to brighten their future and improve their horizon through university life in Miskolc.