
Surname: Parvez

First name: Mohammad Amir



Why would you recommend UM to new applicants?

I would recommend UM for the following reasons: 

  1. UM focuses on practical approach of study rather than just theoratical portion.
  2. Here at the UM you will meet a lot of international people  which is one of the best reasons to study here.
  3. Labs at UM are well equipped.
  4. All the members of the university speaks English so there is no communication barrier between professors and students. 

Why would you recommend your study programme to new applicants?

I would recommend my programme to new applicants because the scope of my programme is huge after successful completion of degree one can secure job in huge IT industry not just in Hungary but abroad such as India because during studies we are being taught practical skills which will quite useful in the industry and such skills give us edge in job markets. 

Write 3 sentences about you for your ISSRR portfolio emphasising your background and major for questions

I study MSc in Computer Science engineering at the UM. I love computer science that's why I am pursuing CSE at the UM.   

Where can future applicants find you? 

My whatsapp Number is +919569393202 and my Instagram Id is  @__Amir_189