Halloween Party - 25.10.

Event start date:25. October 2022. 18:00
Labels:halloween party, halloween,

Video about the event: 


Expreience report from Hadeer Ahmed Ali Hassan: 

"First, we registered on google form on 19 October for the Halloween party. We attended at 6:30 pm wearing Halloween costumes (I dressed as a wizard costume) and the programs started at 7:00 pm. There were a lot of group games and quizzes with Scoopy do team members. Each team consists of 10 players. And they competed with each other. Besides that, there was a competition for the best Halloween cake and there were a lot of ghost cakes and skull-like cakes. During the party, there was a dancing floor for participants to dance on. At 9 pm, the teams started to get their prizes in order. The prizes were Halloween sweets and balloons. After that, there was a prize for the best costume and the best cake. I want to mention that, between the party parties there was a free pizza for all. Also, the attendances tasted the cakes to say their opinion about the best cake. Moreover, there was free candy for kids as well as for students. Finally, after 10 pm the bar was free for all the students to dance on the dancing floor.
I want to mention that, the party was amazing and all people were so happy. I want to thank the organizers for the well-organized event and I hope to participate in future events. "