Conference on child abuse

07. June 2017. 07:40

A conference entitled “Battered Child Syndrome” was jointly organised by the Miskolci Gráciák Egyesülete (a local charitable and social service organisation) and the ME Faculty of Healthcare. It took place on 12 May at the headquarters of the Miskolc Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA).

The conference was opened by its two patrons, Dr. Ildiko Pelczné Gáll, President of the Miskolci Gráciák Egyesülete, and Prof. András Torma, Rector of the University of Miskolc. Participants were also greeted by Dr. Emőke Kiss-Tóth, Dean of the Faculty of Healthcare, and Prof. Péter Berkő, Vice-president of the MTA Miskolc Regional Committee.

There was a great deal of interest in this academic event, and it was broadly reported on in the media.

For a detailed programme of the conference and photos, click HERE