This year’s Techtogether Automotive Hungary competition was won by the ME-Kart team of engineering students from the University of Miskolc. In addition to taking first place, the team also won several special awards at the competition, held during the Automotive Hungary Expo.
Zsófia Forgács, assistant lecturer and PhD student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics and team captain, commented that “The team was the overall champion in another self-powered go-cart design championship for three years in a row, as well as winning other awards in various categories. While that competition has come to an end, the team was eager to continue to compete in other contests or exhibitions, such as Techtogether. This was our fourth time to take part, and each time we ended up on the podium for overall and special categories, and we are delighted to be on the highest level this year. In addition to the first place, our team also won the Luk Savaria and Hepenix special awards.”
Sixteen teams received invitations to the contest that are involved in building vehicles while also studying in university. The teams had to demonstrate their performance in various fields: they were give a series of tasks assigned by the sponsors dealing with specialized and engineering topics, and a team member had to give a presentation on each of the three days about the development of the vehicle and topics from a panel discussion. On the second and on the last day the engineering students were assigned serious technical problems to work on in the form of games, and also had to work out several tasks that needed careful preparation ahead of time.
In addition to mechanical, electric/electronic and quality management knowledge, the students had to become familiar with neutron scattering material testing techniques. To face this challenge, a member from the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering has joined the team of mainly mechanical engineering students.
The victorious team: