in accordance with point III.3.6. of the Operational Regulations of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme, the scholarship holder is required to stay habitually in Hungary during the training period. The intended stay abroad for private purposes exceeding 30 days can be approved only in case of vis maior reasons.
because of the pandemic situation, everyone is required not to leave Hungary and to stay at their Hungarian address.
Abroad stays of more than 30 days per training period are subject to institutional authorisation. As their visit abroad would likely exceed 30 days, no scholarship or housing allowance shall be granted from the next month after scholarship holders go back to their home country, however their scholarship holder status shall remain, provided they have a student status and join online education.
after their return, the scholarship and housing allowance shall be granted again.
kindly be informed beforehand that during the academic year, upon return, quarantine service cannot be offered neither to those, who leave the student hostel, nor those living in a private apartment.
in case – being aware of and considering the above mentioned points – scholarship holders travel back to their home countries, upon their return, timely pandemic measures shall be considered; the possibility of their return cannot be guaranteed and they shall undertake and take charge for the quarentine out of the student dormitory and shall also finance the obligatory test(s) for themselves.
in case SH- and SCY scholarship holders living in the student dormitories undertake the travelling to their home countries being aware of the above detailed issues, and they report their intention to the hostel management in writing and in time (2-3 working days before travelling) and they leave their rooms completely empty, they do not have to pay the hostel fee for the next month. However, if they wish to leave their personal stuff in the room, because after their return, they wish to move back to the same room, they shall maintain their accommodation for their own expenses.
Kindly contact us if you have further questions.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.