UM hosted the first 'János Zámbó International Case Study Competition', where university teams representing Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary could compare their skills in solving a complex problem in the fields of management and natural resources. The competition, held 16–18 October, was supported and organized within the ProSkills project.
The competition pitted teams of five students from each institution against each other. After working through the problem the teams presented their solutions in English to a panel of 3 judges. Each presentation was followed by a 10-minute discussion.
Despite the tough competition, our team of students from the Faculties of Economics and Earth Sciences and Engineering won first place. Members:
Dániel Bedő Tibor
Benedek Bodnár
Petra Gál
Laura Madarász
Zsombor Oláh
Final result of the competition:
1st place: University of Miskolc
2nd place: Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
3rd place: Silesian University of Technology, Poland.
Special prize: Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic