Foundation Scholarships a success story

07. February 2022. 12:05
Students could apply for the first scholarships issued by the Universitas Miskolcinensis Foundation, which were awarded to 65 students of UM. Recipients receive 50,000 forints a month for ten months, for a total of 35 million forints for the 2021-22 school year.
Recipients of academic scholarships from the Universitas Miskolcinensis Foundation tend to spend the funds on textbooks, computer equipment, additional language training and language examinations, or access to online databases related to their research. 
Dr. Jakab Nóra of the Universitas Miskolcinensis Foundation Secretariat urges interested applicants to be active in areas beyond their studies – to take part in research projects or volunteer activities. The scholarship is need-based but also intended for students who perform well in their studies and are active in other ways. It is available for both state-supported and fee-paying students.