27. April 2022. 14:10
The 2nd National Legal Debate Contest was held at UM on 13-14 April. The thirty participants from law schools around the country argued for or against issues in three-person teams and were judged on their analytical and rhetorical skills.
Results for the AGAINST category:
1st place: University of Pécs -
Csilla Bihary, Dávid Gódi & Gergő Sükösd
2nd place: University of Miskolc -
Lilla Adél Lovász, Balázs János Filip, Péter Zoltán Gál
3rd place: University of Szeged -
Lilla Barzó, Adrienn Kruchió, Anna Kurusa Anna
Best debator (against): Adrienn Kruchió (University of Szeged)
Results in the FOR category:
1st place: University of Debrecen – Péter Mag, László Papp, Sebestyén Márk Pella
2nd place: University of Pécs -
Márton Balogh, Bálint Oszvald, Hunor Bendegúz Jávorszki
3rd place: Pázmány Péter  Catholic University - Lőrinc Frész,  Gergely Kerkovits, Vilmos Lugosi
Best debator (for): Gergely Kerkovits (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)
The judges were Prof. Miklos Szabó (UM), Sándor Kulcsár (Informatika a Társadalomért Egyesület) and Tibor Domokos (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Police). The event was organised by dr. Csenge Halász, dr. Evelin Ritó and dr. Flóra Szilva-Orosz, and sponsored by Wolters Kluwer Kft., a Mádl Ferenc Összehasonlító Jogi Intézet, the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law, and the UM Student Council.