Hybrid, electric, and sustainable vehicles

13. September 2022. 12:15

Professionals from academic and industrial fields of the automotive industry presented their research results at the 4th International Conference on Vehicle and Automotive Engineering held on campus 8-9 September.


The conference was opened by Vice-Rector Péter Szűcs, followed by a plenary speech by László Palkovics, Minister of Innovation and Technology. The opening was followed by 85 presentations in English over the two days of the meeting.



The general themes of the conference cover all sub-technologies of the automotive industry. They include alternatives to the traditional petrol and diesel powertrain, advanced vehicle control and driver assistance systems, innovative materials in manufacturing, the use of artificial intelligence in autonomous vehicles, and eco-design and recycling. In addition to the technical topics, they also touch upon the training of vehicle engineers and the dual training programme for hands-on experience in industry.


The conference proceedings are to be published; for further information on the conference see vae2022.uni-miskolc.hu