1 min UM: Open days on the campus – Holiday Concert – Charity run

14. December 2023. 13:40

Open days on the campus. Exciting programs, spectacular presentations and special learning opportunities awaited the visitors of the University of Miskolc on its Open Days. High school students interested in continuing their studies could experience the diversity of courses available and the beauty of university life.

Holiday Concert. The Bartók Béla Bartók Music Faculty of the University of Miskolc gave an Advent concert at the Zenepalota. The concert included pieces by Vivaldi and Mozart, as well as popular Christmas carols performed by the faculty's students.

Charity run. Santa Claus himself ran the 2,000 m race at the University of Miskolc. Students and staff members of the Santa Claus team collected donations for children in need, with the entry fee being a gift pack for the Sütni Jó! Foundation.