The LIFE-CLIMCOOP project, which is seeking solutions to optimise the climate impact of urban and business areas that are vulnerable to climate change, is organising an extraordinary climate adaptation meeting on 22 September in Kazincbarcika. The LIFE-CLIMCOOP project brings together cities and local companies to work on climate adaptation, with the University of Miskolc as the coordinating beneficiary.
What are green initiatives? What are the practical issues of sustainability? These are the questions that the "Effective Sustainability" group of subjects will answer. The subjects are developed by three universities – the University of Miskolc, the University of Szeged and the University of Sopron – can be taken as optional courses by every full-time BA/BSc or MA/MSc student. Students from the three universities study together in each course, regardless of their degree programme.
The latest episode of "UM in one minute" is online, with brief reports about the University's Honours Ceremony, the International Freshmen's Camp and the 'Let's Teach for Hungary' day.
For the management of the model-changing University of Miskolc and the Board of Trustees of the Universitas Miskolcinensis Foundation, the autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year starts with a workshop. The leaders will review the period ahead, look for solutions to the challenges of the present and acknowledge the achievements of the model change so far. They are working to ensure that students and staff remain the main beneficiaries of the model change.
Cuba has also joined the Stipendium Hungaricum programme, so from the academic year 2023/2024 onwards, Cuban MSc and PhD students will be able to participate in scholarship programmes at the University of Miskolc.
For the fourth time, the Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering at the University of Miskolc organised a soil science camp for young people aged between 14 and 20.
The freshmen’s camp is held at the University of Miskolc at the end of August every year. For four days hundreds of freshmen took over the university to get to know the campus, their future classmates, upper-year students and UM’s traditions.
"This is what happened to us in the academic year of 2021/2022!" was the title of a competition launched by the University of Miskolc on its official Facebook page, where three lucky winners - and those who are familiar with the life of the university - were each awarded a smartwatch.
In recognition of the academic and educational activities that strengthened the national and international reputation of the University of Miskolc and in appreciation of the work done for the university’s community, awards were presented at the public Senate meeting of UM on 31 August.
"University of Miskolc graduates find a job within 3-4 months after graduation", said Prof. Zita Horváth, UM’s Rector, at this year's Pont Ott Parti event. This is supported by our current series of interviews with UM graduates to find out what a degree from the University of Miskolc is worth.
András Bodonyi, a Hungarian canoeing champion in several events, was among the first to apply for the newly announced course in sports management at the University of Miskolc.
In this year's admission procedure, the largest number of applicants targeted the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Humanities.
"Graduates of the University of Miskolc get a job within 3 to 4 months after graduation", said Prof. Zita Horváth, UM’s rRector, at this year's Pont Ott Parti event. This is supported by our current series of interviews with University of Miskolc graduates to find out what a degree from the University of Miskolc is worth.
Lights that were never seen before on the facade of the Palace of Music!
"This is what happened to us in the academic year 2021/2022!" is the title of a competition launched by the University of Miskolc on its official Facebook page, where three lucky winners - and those who are familiar with the life of the university - have won a smartwatch.
Gergő Kecsmár is an engineer at the Energy and Quality Institute of the University of Miskolc. Not only a green influencer, but also a guest lecturer on environmental protection for primary and secondary school students at Mathias Corvinus Collegium and the "father" of the Reformator TikTok channel, he recently received the Exemplar Award of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Municipality.
Students of the University of Miskolc participating in the "Let's teach for Hungary" programme help young people by motivating, identifying and supporting their talents. Kincső Kontra, a student of the University of Miskolc and mentor of "Teach for Hungary", spoke about the programme on national television.
The Symposium on Polyurethane Innovation 2022 conference will be jointly organised by the FIEK department and the Institute of Chemistry the University of Miskolc.